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El fabricant té una bonica nina sexual TPE



I've never tried a mecha or a ruby. But the sheer look of a TPE sex doll like this is enough to keep me going. I just touched and felt a Dreamdoll - I think it was made in Germany - and after trying the TPE doll, the silicone looked very hard. A new generation of TPE dolls has been released recently, and it looks pretty good. 158 centimeters (WMdolls). The sex doll on this website sold my 158cm figure. They are soft, and when it comes to arched and twisted backs, the new skeleton seems to work better. Some also have hollow inflated breasts, so you can use push-up bras to get the perfect look. Now that there's a TPE sex doll jungle, it's getting harder and harder to narrow it down. They're all under $3,000, so don't expect $6,000 + mass.

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Sex dolls are fun to play with, not great impersonations. Nowadays, various manufacturers have some beautiful Nina sexual TPE, especially those from China. I also like to explore. It does last longer than other water-based lubricants I've tried. But even if it does, I find it very effective to re-moisten it with something thin. I found that 100% aloe vera gel works well, at least on the inside. It feels natural too, pun intended. However, for outdoor use, it tends to dry quickly. If I find a sex doll that beats the rest, I'll let you know.

2019-09-04 02:03:43

After doing what I wanted to do, I only had 5 seconds left to test the bones by gently giving him a large gap. Since TPE is still TPE, he does not want to be stressed too much. For more mundane positions, I am willing to do it, it uses a lot of positions, without testing other bones, I can say that the bone doll is indeed at the top. I have my weakness.

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