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He estat pensant en comprar una tercera nina sexual TPE



As some of you know. I've been thinking about buying a third TPE sex doll. My idea is a complete sports doll. I want a girl with soft, bouncy breasts, maybe a butt. Flexibility is also important. I think the weight should be medium to low in order to handle it. There are no photography requirements, but sex dolls still need to look good. Don't expect the quality here, I got covered.

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I've been thinking about using some new Nina sexual TPE, like your doll, and maybe even a RD body D, although that might be too heavy. But no doll seemed to really stand out, and I lacked any first-hand experience or knowledge of anything but a doll. So my question to people is "what's the best sports doll right now?" I plan to buy sex dolls in the next 6-9 months. I welcome input from anyone, especially manufacturers.

2019-09-04 01:58:15

The whole thing never hits the contract. So now, the headache no longer gives me headaches. That's why I'm considering buying a doll. Too much for my presentation. Such a pretty and prettyish woman, you have to find the right woman, and this generation is not easy. After that, they were all like that. Usually, everything calms down afterwards.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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