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Alguns han triat utilitzar TPE Sex Doll per a la publicitat



The media's fallacies and lack of integrity lead to stories being misrepresented. And anyone who does anything with a TPE sex doll is a mature target. Whenever a reporter like the woman in the CNN story does not question or refute any or only some negative comment and remains silent, then negative comment remains the rule because nothing is contradictory. Interested people are insulted by their problems as owners of sex dolls. In this case, the reporter's silence is persuasive to those who can laugh.

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By the way, for those who choose to use Nina sexual TPE in public. This is a pretty hat. It has balls and thick skin. If our point of view is to present it to the media, it should be those who can express our position well, and it seems to me that those who are not familiar with it will be satisfied. Third, if I do this, I will misunderstand the topic. Again, I use the word "hobby" to cover all aspects of doll ownership, which I know very well. For many of us, sex dolls are not a hobby at all. It is a necessity that enhances our lives for a variety of reasons.

2019-09-04 02:54:18

Very interesting. And your wife? Our husband and wife are interested in two of them, or because of lack. You will definitely ask a question that has already been treated, but it doesn't matter, and sometimes your problem may deepen the problem. In my case, only I was interested in it, and my wife didn't care. We do differ in sexuality, and I would rather use a doll than go elsewhere.

Well, except for more and more such methods, all other methods. Tonight, Richard found himself unable to get an erection again. He found the problem since he found it. It was annoying at first, but now it interrupts their sex life. He knew that it would create a rift between them emotionally, and Richard didn't want to do that to Nina. She is so beautiful, so funny, so loving, so cute.

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