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Realment prefereixo una de les boniques nines sexuals



I'm seriously looking around for my second pretty sex doll. Hopefully sometime after my first doll arrives and settles down. I really prefer one of the dolls. I drooled over the photo a few days ago and then checked their FAQ section. For dolls, they suggest putting them down or sitting in a chair. I'm still in learning mode for some things, but the neck bolt or similar suspension mechanism is typical in the impression. Since the doll doesn't have this function, it looks like I won't go there. My next option might be TPE sex dolls but I'm still not sure if they have neck bolts. Now I want to know which dolls don't have neck bolts.

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You appreciate any information. Well, if I'm not mistaken, the bonica nina sexual comes with neck bolts. And store them on a hanger. The sky is a beautiful doll. Since I got her, my boy toy has been hanging from her neck bolts, unless she goes out to play longer, in which case she usually leans down. I had no problem hanging it. Unless they've changed something recently, or just used the fuselage, all standard neck bolts. With a wire loop, they can be hung for storage and pose. I don't know when it became standard with just a neck bolt. Like most sex toys. If you need to make a bolt change, you can see how to do it here.

2019-09-04 04:32:03

Welcome to this Saturday morning, yes, because you will be informed about the level of information! Also, taking the time from one day to the next is correct, you can change your mind and even get lost in a while. I am very disappointed with the woman who lives with two dolls today. I am very happy. This is someone who has seen other lectures and I know how to be sweet.

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