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He decidit comprar una bonica nina sexual



Hello doll community, I have decided to buy a pretty sex doll. But I have a few problems finding the right producer. I've seen pictures of several dolls in several places, but in the end, the people who actually own the dolls have a more authentic message. Doll makers have professional makeup artists and stage sets, but in real life they may not look so good. So this is my observation so far. Very beautiful sex dolls, to be honest, they have great vaginas and hips.

Lubricant Vagina espera

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I mention this because some other companies just have a loophole. But the bonica nina sexual looks real. Some of the photos on their website might fool me into thinking they were close-ups of real women. Flinch - some of the owner's photos seem to show very distinct mold lines, and the faces don't look realistic. Eyes can't move, which makes them look like... Like a doll. These faces look expressive. Great eyes. The company offers a variety of customized services. Pull back - the butt must have an insert or it is a notched hole. Or the sex dolls seem to come from pictures I've seen.

2019-09-04 05:58:29

You have to be careful because as I understand it, dolls that look too much like pretty girls (which happens to be small) will find themselves blocked by customs. That's why you can't find a pretty-like doll on the official website. This is normal. I don't want to get "kids" dolls, but more of a "beautyage" style between 18 and 20.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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