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Vaig fotografiar una altra nina sexual bonica



I chose the pretty sex doll because its face and legs are so realistic. This has nothing to do with most other people. Because it's a personal choice. Please note that I haven't got my doll, but I spent a lot of time in other community page to see other members of the doll and even baby doll, because it will make you truly feel they look like you I just can't stand up to fly to California to see them, because this year I have been dealing with personal questions. Actually not everyone has a studio to make pictures, and she's a great photographer because when she takes pictures of dolls, she has lighting. She knows how to make up sex dolls and make their wigs very well. Because we don't have makeup artists or hairstylists or studios to photograph them.

Aniversari Pell Vagina

Una resposta:



I did photograph another bonica nina sexual. Then I found out that some users have the same doll she is not what I saw from her photos. Because she is a tall doll, it performs well in other photos because it is like getting a second opinion. So, my tips go to doll-making websites and then look at user dolls. Because we all have different personal tastes. And then when you see that your favorite sex doll has a lot of different looks. Then you can decide which doll you want.

2019-09-04 06:06:51

Pay attention to the pretty size of the doll, because it is one thing on the photo, but actually it is another. I must receive a 140 cm doll with bad word of mouth I ordered on the website, and I will post a photo next to it to provide you with size information, because I find that we do n’t see enough people and doll photos to pay attention to the size. For the chest, I can choose the chest without an order, but compared to my wife, I don't want to put it in.

For certain silicone safety, synthetic safe lubricants can lubricate her textured mouth, make your life oral sex, help push out her waiting, eager lips, and you grab the sides of her head and let her be you She does what she wants to do. Your sex doll is your control and enjoyment. She will always give you whatever you want and give others as good as you, as long as you like it. If you want, you can stay with her all night, and when she stays at home, you can leave her in bed like a tired lover.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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