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Vaig tenir una gran experiència amb TPE Sex Doll



I don't see much support for the new TPE sex dolls. I know it's not as strong as platinum, but it costs less than a half. If it lasts five years, it seems like a good idea. They look very soft. Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with them? I had a great experience with TPE dolls. She was the cheapest and I bought her at a price I knew I could resell her in order to have a chance to experience everyone talking at a constant rate. She has no budget, so sex dolls are a luxury I can't afford. And it was bought on the basis of a very quick sale to her.

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From China, you will recognize my photo. I found that the blank expression of the Nina sexual TPE was not true at first. And then she starts to seem to kill her laughter on purpose, and then she becomes visually interesting. When I got to know her, I discovered her sense of humor movement. In fact, it's the best I've had in decades. It's no laughing matter. So no damage occurred in her box where she stored her pipe upright connected to a hole. The bottom of her back means she easily USES the shower hose for washing and then USES the balloon pump to dry the air. In use, just cover the hole with some paper towels to avoid any confusion. Very good. A sex doll at 157 centimeters is a realistic height. The best thing I found was her skeleton sticking out of the soles of her feet.

2019-09-04 02:08:58

Because I found these legs to be a bit “telephone poles” Also, with low / high socks for you, it is very good. (Yes, I swear), because this doll is cheaper than the one I dumped ... I wonder if I will not like it while waiting for the next return (2/3 months). I like it very much and it is easy The two / three dolls found were fresh.

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