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El vostre lubricant preferit quan teniu relacions sexuals amb una nina sexual



What is your favorite lubricant when you are using sex dolls? why? I personally like id lubricants. Because it lasts longer, it is water-based and can be used almost anywhere. Let the slippery start! Girls can be lubricated well using the usual commercial lubricants, as shown in the list above. I also use massage oil myself. As long as it is pure plants (almonds, sweet almonds, grape seeds and even olive oil, etc.), it is harmless. But we found that our favorite is the self-stimulation that is specially packaged for sex dolls. It is called "evoke" in Australia, and Durex is also true. Very pretty and very expensive, but it slides very well and lasts quite a long time. It's too expensive to use, especially when intimacy lasts an hour or more.

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According to your opinion, the disadvantages or advantages of age - but really very good. Make sure your supermarket or sex shop is similar. The request does not cause damage to the nina del sexe. What is an active ingredient? If it is not water-based and inert, I will avoid it myself. Plus I am a bit lazy, so it is not in my best interest to mix the lubricants before the game time. But glad that you found something you like. I can try it out (although I don't do this, but I have to use ID lubricants often with a lot of ID lubricants and only need a little). The ID lubricant is for me, I found the best water based lubricant, but if it doesn't need to be reused after 10 minutes, this might be a better choice. Maybe you don't need to write it down, but remember to always get water-based lubricants. Never use silicone lubricant on your doll. I used to do it with Helen once, but she needs a possible and because of this lubricant, it ate your silicone sex doll.

2019-06-14 02:00:40

I can only imagine what kind of trial and error process it takes to make a silicone real sex doll. It will be interesting to learn more about the materials that make up the cart. Instead of pure tin or platinum, each base is catalyzed by one or more other chemicals containing tin or platinum (Do you know how expensive pure platinum is?).

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