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Què sents quan fas servir una nina sexual de silicona



I want to know more about silicone dolls, and I see a lot of beautiful women here. I have never had a sex doll, I am very curious about these lovely ladies. What does it feel like to have sex with them? Are they heavy? Are they vulnerable to damage? Are they cute? Are they easy to pose? What do they like like a sexual partner? I have seen different websites, but unfortunately they have exceeded my price alliance. The UK does not seem to have any companies, but if I make a lot of money or win a lottery, I would love to buy a Japanese girl. Oh, yes, they made an Asian Teddy baby, but the eyes don't look realistic. I also found several Asian inflatable toys, but they look more like opera actors.

Transport. Porta el teu cotxe silicona seleccionar

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You may find as many different answers as responders because we are all different. Every nina del sexe is different and they change over time. The joints are loose, the silicone is soft, and the makeup is made. But for me. They are soft. Over time, by adding talcum powder or cornstarch, take some silicone "stickiness" when necessary, and by adding your favorite flavors when you understand and become familiar with the feelings. It becomes a sacred feeling to your skin and caress. However, with proper movement and positioning technology and equipment, you can easily manipulate your dolls to suit your needs. My silicone sex doll is about 80 pounds or 36 kilograms but she can lie on me and gently face me, even if there is no support. You almost hit its head almost completely, I agree with 100%. I spent the first anniversary with my ladies and I have two more birthdays. My ladies made me very happy, I hope I can complete the ownership of the sex dolls earlier.

2019-06-14 05:33:21

I really do n’t have that much money. I always like Yili because real sex dolls are much cheaper and I still feel pretty. Anyway, I hope this will answer some questions for you, and I will get in touch with the doll, so please ask me if I have any questions. That's what happens when ancient threads come across.

Celebrity sex dolls are sex dolls that imitate celebrities. This is usually an actress, singer, pornstar, or even a fantasy character. These sex dolls are made for those who want to live out the fantasy of being with and having sex with certain famous women. They have the same facial features and body types as real people, and have functional holes for sexual purposes-usually vagina, anus, and oral cavity. They are usually made of TPE or silicone to give them a real feel and skin appearance, as well as a metal skeleton that supports them and allows users to place them in different positions.

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