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Quins avantatges tenen les nines mèdiques de silicona i TPE?



TPE sex dolls are made of TPE material. TPE dolls are softer than most silicone dolls, but they are very resistant to repair. I have never found any reliable adhesives. Silicone, on the other hand, can be repaired with most types of silicone adhesives. If the softness of shaking is very important to you and you are willing to change your doll, then TPE may be the way you want to go. But if you want a doll that can be repaired and made, stick to the silicone doll. By the way, some silicone dolls tend to be softer than others. You can still get a doll made of silicone that is quite soft with TPE.

seleccionar silicona TPE

Una resposta:



I have a TPE sex doll, it's a lightweight model, so the breasts are a bit soft. Better is the custom and original model, but more expensive. The nina del sexe's breasts are very soft and staggered from the original model, I have a look and feel because I have order. TPE is a thermoplastic elastomer. This means it is a hot-melt vinyl that contains a variety of annoying additives that can be absorbed through your skin. It is an unstable material that melts if overheated. Melting points vary, but they are usually not as high as you might think. Medical grade silicon is a completely safe inert material intended to be implanted in the human body. It must pass rigorous testing to qualify as a material. There is absolutely no comparison between the two in terms of health risks and durability.

2019-06-15 05:19:23

What immediately struck me was that it could become a real sex doll stand with the same lines as a patented doll stand (only with wheels). I haven't been able to find the load-bearing capacity of the rack, but obviously it's made of water pipes. Commercial shelves like this are usually rated at hundreds of pounds. Now, some modifications are needed to make it a doll stand.

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