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Conegueu els materials de silicona per fabricar nines



It has been several years now, and silica gel is used to make sex dolls. I think people who buy silicone dolls can give their feelings to this silicone. When did you buy your silicone doll? What is the age of silica gel for many years? Has it become soft? Will it tear? Has it become more flexible? Will it stop leaking? Share any thoughts you might have about this. People can often express their opinions on this type of silica gel here. Platinum-based silicone cured parts do not become brittle or rupture over time, making them suitable for long-term artwork and molds. Easy to suppress (ie, various factors can prevent silicone from curing). Certain types can be applied and allowed on the skin. When used in a manufacturer doll mold, it shows very pretty shrinkage once cured. Platinum products have higher temperature and chemical durability than tin-based products.

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I have to say that the softness and durability of platinum-cured silicone nina del sexe vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The amount used will also affect durability. The joints of the sex dolls are still so stiff that the knees keep her in a standing position. She still had the fingertip problem of the doll at the time. In addition, the silica gel did not change. No other dents, cuts or tears. There are two main "family" silicones - tin based (also known as "condensation cure") and platinum based (or "addition cure") silicones. In each "family" you can find a wide variety of silicones with many different grades of hardness, softness, cure and working time, flexibility and more. But in general, all tin-based silicones have certain properties, and all platinum-based shares share certain properties. Tin-based silicones Generally, platinum-based silicones that do not have an inhibitory effect (i.e., environmental factors that prevent curing) are inexpensive and are commonly used in the manufacture of molds (although they are susceptible to shrinkage). Not suitable for use against skin. The cured part has a short life, meaning that the piece loses its elasticity and becomes brittle after a few years.

2019-06-14 03:38:34

I know that someone uses Jude perfume on his doll, and he likes to put some under his doll's armpit. It reminded him of Judith and made him immediately difficult. His name begins with the letter O, but he is a very personal person in this matter. So I cannot reveal his identity. When I browsed through the hangers section of Amazon, I found this unusual type of real sex dolls.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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