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Voleu envair les nines sexuals d'altres persones?



When the person you love becomes different from the personality you love, it is time to divorce. Sex dolls are so clear, their personality is the personality given by the owner. In some ways, I feel marginalized by women, although my wife and I have many male and female friends, and sexual dolls represent more family relationships. Because of the owner of the image, the doll that looks beautiful in the picture looks great. Violation of the doll violates the owner. But in my case, I like a sex doll because I love my wife, so I love a doll and I won't divorce at any time! My wonderfully imagined lady is an extension of my wife. When my wife is not around, I am with her.

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But dolls can be different roles at different times. The wife is not very sure about the woman I imagined, and I hope that I am specific - but the thought is fluid, and the character of the nina del sexe is also the same. I grew up without my sister. I have three sons and no daughters. When I was a beauty, I went to all the boys' prettys. Then, except for my wife, no woman is evil. Therefore, sex is something that is reserved for the wife. Even with dolls or other toys, it is still an extension of sex and therefore an extension of the wife. Therefore, if it involves sexual relations with a fantasy woman, it is usually like a doll, or maybe all the evil illusions we have from time to time, a pretty fantasy mistress who makes us pretty - but to stay pretty rather than deviate from marriage, this It is an extension of marriage, maybe my wife when I was pretty.

2019-06-14 05:08:14

So, since older dolls are made of tin, should the plastic be smoothed during the repair process to make it smooth, otherwise it will actually seal and repair and fail to cure at all? I read the same thing, and given an example, a tin-cured silicone cube stored in storage shrinks year by year, and real sex dolls seem to disappear forever. More logically, it will eventually "self-heal."

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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