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Penis cage Hello everyone, I am in the UK, someone can offer me advice on buying new sex dolls. I saw a lot of "code" in the forum, such as H1 H2 header and so on. what are these? So, my first doll. What are the defects and benefits to be aware of when buying a doll, which manufacturers are the best and true. Is there a manufacturer in the UK (saving import costs, etc.). I read a doll forum in the UK and there should be some help to get a doll to the UK.

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Since this is your first nina del sexe, you live in the UK. I would recommend looking at Chinese-made dolls. Compared to American-made dolls, they are cheap and not bad. They will make a good doll and how to handle and care. If you have money, you can buy a better doll later. As far as I know, there are no dolls in the UK, but both France and Germany. European doll importers sell Chinese dolls and some dolls made there. I recommend viewing our other doll parts on the urdolls website. I thought about the same problem a long time ago. It really boils down to: First, choose the price range you plan to spend. Second, choose the manufacturer based on quality and reputation. Third, choose a model. Buy a moderately priced doll and test the water to see if the doll's lifestyle is right for you. It would be a shame to spend a lot of money and realize that having a sex doll is not as great as it seems.

2019-06-12 06:03:29

I think these are the secrets of the enterprise. Most, if not all manufacturers use platinum-cured silicones, it is more durable. I don't know the composition of 1-piece silicone, but if I remember correctly, it can be used for both tin-cured silicone and platinum-cured silicone. Platinum was then used as a catalyst. Maybe they are just better catalysts than other real sex doll materials.

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