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Algú ha utilitzat un preservatiu femení per a una nina sexual



I have been using these on my sex dolls. Then wash them off and they seem to last forever. I like them because it is a breeze to clean up inside the doll. One thing I need to know now is that the store I bought from the ladies said they have silicone lubricants, which may cause damage to the silicone dolls. I have washed them several times now. This is my only thing. Need to study. I used a dildo to insert them and some water-based lubricants to make it easier to get into the canal. So cleaning up the doll is just a face wipe. So let me know if there are other people who have information. I also used them on my TPE dolls. There seems to be no problem so far.

seleccionar TPE silicona

Una resposta:



I often use nina del sexe. This is better than buying a "used" toy in my three roommates, or even a pretty bathroom like the pretty Rose. Her interior is also textured (it is said to be molded like a real vagina) so cleaning is not as simple as washing her. The only problem I encountered was the air. Since the doll's aperture is more compact and less flexible than RG, it can be trapped inside, causing it to end bursting when I push it myself. Therefore, I must ensure that there is no air inside, or any air that may come out. I use rubbing alcohol, which evaporates faster (as a bonus, it also disinfects the inside of the doll). As for the lubricant, you want to wash it off, at least on the outside. Not only because of compatibility issues, but also because it will stay in her heart. The condom is designed to remain in the real vagina through a detachable ring that can be placed in the space around her cervix (like a septum). Sex dolls lack this, so you need to remove this ring. Let the friction between the plastic and the silicone fix it. As you already know, it is obviously more for other readers.

2019-06-12 05:24:26

I'm sure this is covered, but is it a "platinum-cured" silicone real sex doll? So what is "tin treatment"? Is one from the platinum ore and the other from the tin ore? Or do they actually contain trace elements? Where does your ubiquitous silicone gel fall? As far as I know, silicone is a two-part system, one is a "silicone polymer" and the other is a catalyst based on a precious metal (in this case platinum or tin).

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