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No podeu amagar una comanda senzilla de nines sexuals



Most sex doll companies know privacy issues and use credit cards as an innocent means of "Acme Entertainment." Even the "Abyss Creation" does not sound suspicious. I remember only accepting checks or money order payments. This may have changed. Does your family pass your credit card bill? If you are stressed about privacy, I want to know how you will hide the doll itself? Remember, it takes a while to love doll delivery, so planning ahead is very important. Sex dolls will be the longest and most lonely week of your life. My master ordered me a few months before he even had his own place of residence.

Adquisitiu espera Pit

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Who is the boss in your life? If you can't hide a simple nina del sexe order. That's not you! If they know that you get a doll, then I don't see the problem. Let's face it. In any case, they will think of "sex dolls." My advice is open, don't take odd and defensive measures. The more normal you are to it, the more likely it is to accept it. That is sex. You are talking about a love doll, this is what you do with them. Let us ask a question, who wants a sex doll? This definition makes the world different.

2019-07-18 04:59:31

A bit fun, but not required. Hello everyone, I have been considering ordering a doll, and the real sex doll will be packed in a lockable container (as opposed to a wooden box (I guess it is nailed) or a sealed reinforced cardboard box). The manufacturer advised against unlocking it, I believe his advice, but I was just worried that my doll could be easily reached by just opening the container.

She turned to the sofa, put her hand on her arm, and bends forward. Dave put his hand on her ass and rubbed it lightly. Feeling gentle and sensual, she relaxed. The slap of the head stroked her skin, just patted and teased. She relaxes further, allowing her to think as she pleases. Mia nodded, feeling the tears continue to flow on her cheeks. She didn't know why she was crying. Is it to release her orgasm, or the body's response to pain? she does not know.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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