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Estic ocupat completant la caixa de nines sexuals lliurada per My Route



As early as the mid-1970s, I came out of the Air Force and drove a delivery truck. I am busy trying to complete my route. I have never thought of two things in the sex doll box I delivered. However, I did encounter some interesting people signing packages, just like the hot lady who often wears sexy lingerie. I was thinking about her for the rest of the day. In the past few years, I have three dolls. Maybe because of my age, I can't care about the sex dolls that the driver thinks are in big boxes. If they want to ask, according to my mood of the day, I will tell them the truth or tell them that it is not your business.

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I think that once you reach my age, you will say more about your thoughts than when you were pretty. I saw some of you worry about where to buy things for your nina del sexe and I will use the same feeling, but now I just buy it myself. I can only quote this reference above, and just add it and sometimes add some comedy very well, "mail order bride" comes to mind. I hope she is still alive and tells him. I'm pretty sure these guys have a pretty good idea in the box, but then Coral says he only wants to finish his round and drink beer. Interestingly, she came to a minivan from a courier company, and as usual, the guy complained about the weight. Ok, drag the box into the garage and then the problem, damn heavy, what it is. It is a sex doll, I said with a big smile. Oh, see them on TV, ok, thank you, please sign here.

2019-07-18 05:12:20

It's made of sturdy material, which is a redemption factor, but at least a cardboard box or wooden box can be used-although it can still be opened, touching real sex dolls is more of a torture than just flicking a few latches . I was thinking-because I might ask for the box to be locked-what do you think of this decision?

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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