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El comportament sexual amb una nina sexual és similar al d’una persona real



After knowing the owners of many realistic dolls. I think most people think that sex with such a doll is similar (at least possible) to sexual relations with real people. Take a look at the views I mentioned above about intimacy. After all, reality means reality. Of course there is a certain degree of realism, I prefer to have sex with a beautiful woman, but I still romanticize my doll (when I have her). This is the key: Does this guy feel romantic about his doll? According to my experience, he usually does this. Guys, if I misunderstood your concern for the doll. You buy clothes and jewelry, wigs, cosmetics, photography for them, please correct me. I will not objectify women, I will personalize sex dolls. This is love, sex or no sex.

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For me, the face of a nina del sexe is the key to realism, and I suspect that it is universal and true. My key to eroticism is her ass, which varies from person to person. To underestimate the ability of most people to fantasize. Although a few people are too appropriate and restrained. Of course, I know that Paula is an object. Then, in the next moment, I was thinking about her romance. Emotions and logic are not always consistent. In general, every time this guy tries to turn his fantasies into sex, it's all complicated and a matter of degree. Depends on the guy, the doll and the environment: she can be happy, or a sex toy, or something in between. Please pay attention to a comprehensive summary when writing your book, even if a comprehensive summary makes writing easier, and may even sell more books. People can "prove" almost anything about the relationship between a person and a sex doll.

2019-07-18 01:55:40

I can imagine that the receiving country will be the country that most wants to check incoming goods. Put yourself on shoes. How many places in the real sex doll do you think can hide drugs, bombs or biological weapons? Every mystery / drama writer has thought of it at least once. Most of us do not have immediate access to the main receiving port (containers enter the country first).

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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