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Es consideraran gai les nines sexuals?



I often browse pornographic sites for sex doll videos, which are considered gay because no women are involved. There is no single label to easily search for dolls. I will normally make a satirical comment on a group of people, but I don't even know who I want to laugh at. I hope that the mainstream society accepts me as a sexual sympathy with sex dolls and is recognized and respected like a gay/bisexual community. But before that I didn't belong, I didn't have friends.

net Vagina TPE

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In any case, from a sexual perspective, I prefer real women. A nina del sexe is like I can get what I want from a relationship without affecting the lifestyle I choose. To be sure, this is an investment, but it is safer and cheaper than some real women I know. As for attachment, I agree with those who say it is like a car/truck or a precious position. If someone breaks it, I find them and someone will go to the hospital. But no, there will be no deaths for people close to me, people can't replace, sex dolls can.

2019-07-18 02:04:56

And those underage faces and bodies ... I will never order them because they know they are promoting this. Now, for those who are interested in the highest real sex doll figure, I agree to a review. I found that his comment did not seem to take into account the complexity of the issue, which seemed to reduce all the debate on the subject. Incomprehensible = dense.

Sex dolls are very convenient because they can eliminate any sperm theft. After having sex with the doll, the owner should wash the doll immediately, usually only by washing the semen through the tap water in the pretty hole. Although this does not clearly eliminate the possibility of sperm theft, it can greatly reduce the possibility. Therefore, when using these fun aids, it is important to ensure that the doll is cleaned soon after sex. Sperm theft is very serious and should be punished by law, and sex dolls curb this evil. This should be the reason to go to the sex shop and get the happy doll you have always wanted.


With sex dolls, there is no threat of sperm theft. Sperm theft can be used to describe two situations: one involves a woman who becomes pregnant after sexual intercourse, and the man believes this is protected. Although this may be seen more as fraud or breach of contract, it is still classified as a form of theft. The second problem is that a woman stole a second-hand condom after being careless and mishandled after sexual intercourse. Used condoms can be used as evidence of cheating, basis for pretty rearing tests, good genetic storage, etc.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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