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Com fer front al problema del lliurament de les nines sexuals



I might be ahead of myself here, but if I have sex dolls, I have been thinking about the final delivery. I would love to know how you interact with the deliveryman. There is no doubt that this will become an unusual category of size and weight. If I am doing delivery, I would like to ask. I sent it twice. First, the deliveryman did not ask anything, he just did his job. Second, the deliveryman asked what was in the box. I said this is a grandfather clock. If there is some fine slice of the sex doll in the box. I am ready to say that this is a grandfather clock with a silicone-wrapped waterfall.

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Just happened to me today, I jokingly joked. I told them that there was a full-size nina del sexe in the box, giving them a look. But if they persist, tell me where to sign, thank you, and call it a day. But that's just me. Honestly, these guys must have seen it all. I would love to hear their story about delivery. What is the strangest, most dangerous, strangest customer and so on. But in fact, their business is not what they are. When I got my mech from her former boss, he put the box on a "fragile glass." I knew this in advance, so I made an excuse to get a sex doll glass cabinet from the driver to prevent the driver from asking. Yes, he did and bought it, or I want to think about it.

2019-07-18 05:04:58

If, as you said, if it must be accessed according to law, and as agreed, if they do, they will have access, then I think I have no choice but to unlock it, or lock it with a key. Continue to discuss more about real sex dolls-I also appreciate their suggestions. Yes-I think I agree with others.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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