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Calces vibradores Sovint em sorprèn el realisme de les nines sexuals



Fuck machine I don't like these little sex dolls, but I am often amazed at some of the realism of creation. From an artistic point of view, I think this is very interesting. I think our high-end dolls will make us interested. The most expensive reborn babies also use silica gel, so they are not that different from our mannequins. Ultra-realistic surface treatment is mainly due to the extensive work of makeup, applied to the entire body. Achieving satisfactory results takes hours of work and sometimes requires 15 or 20 layers to create the perfect illusion of human flesh. This is a very amazing artwork that replicates babies. As for the example of a full-size doll, I don't think so.

silicona TPE Vagina

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Fantasy tends to be perfect, or people think perfect. I believe that I will stick to this trend. I am also surprised by the real nina del sexe, they are very beautiful. In my opinion, the veins on the breasts are too obvious to me. I have seen a lot of breasts, but so far I remember that there are very few obvious veins, maybe this is the breast. Because they look like when a woman has a baby who needs breast milk, so the veins need to feed the breasts so they appear more. But this idea may appeal to some people who want super realistic dolls.

2019-07-29 03:22:35

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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