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Pistes sobre tatuatges temporals per a nines sexuals de silicona



I admit that I have never even thought about this. Until I stumbled upon some clues about temporary tattoos on silicone sex dolls. I know this is very unlikely to work with TPE, I won't even try it until I get some hard to guarantee that it will work, but I think I will still ask, because it would be great if possible. These are my problems, and I know very well that my foundation is what silicone can do instead of TPE, but I think I won't know until I ask if I can. It would be very cool. She went out the way I liked and didn't hurt the sex doll. Thanks a lot for any help/input I said.

maquillatge Vagina TPE

Una resposta:



As for tattoos, I tried temporary tattoos for silicone and tpe nina del sexe. It does not seem to be very well bonded and almost immediately becomes cracked and peeled off. Maybe there are some tricks I don't know, or I need a temporary tattoo with better quality. If you are an artist, you might draw a tattoo with a permanent mark and then occasionally touch it. I know you can pierce the silicone doll, but I haven't seen/heard of someone doing the TPE past regular earrings (I will do the same). I hope that you can because I want to give a sex doll a nose nail, if possible, the navel piercing. If someone has not done this before, I will not take risks.

2019-07-29 05:00:10

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