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Han trobat a faltar alguna cosa que les nines sexuals mai no puguin proporcionar



Even if sex dolls reach automatic movement and some form of artificial intelligence, no dolls will replace humans. On the other hand, no one can provide a perfect baggage for the doll. Dolls have no human support requirements (food, drinks, health care, etc.). The doll has no family, personal taste, religious, political or social ideals that may conflict with the doll owner. This is why the "stars" of the stage and screen are considered attractive. Because the face of a sex doll is as close as possible to the symmetry.

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I have a sexual doll face that is obviously asymmetrical. So in the photo, I changed her eye position, but then came back because she looked more active. Many people who have tried the nina del sexe experience have found it to be satisfying and fulfilling. Some people find this to be useless to them. I found that many very beautiful women have asymmetrical faces. They missed something that the doll could never provide and went back to the process of pursuing perfection, or as close as possible to what they could find. A very lucky minority has the best of both worlds - wife (or husband) and doll.

2019-07-29 04:18:40

When we were here, there were "special requirements" from other manufacturers that suggested I ask. So far I've been disappointed: Item Nature Statement-"model" dolls, photos of dolls in containers and container shipment I also noticed the tips after receiving the real sex doll, re-photographing myself and cleaning with a wet wipe-thank you very much.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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