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Fregar esborrarà la pintura de les nines sexuals



We can debate the "perfect" of each of us on the issue of high-end dolls. Very close to reality, surreal finish, with lots of detail, tonality and awkwardness, just like a real person. Or obviously perfect things, lacking realistic details, but referring to the concept of artificial and abstract beauty (more like a window model or statue). These two concepts are very valuable and attractive to me. As a photographer, I like the realistic mannequins. By the way, I don't like the name of sex dolls because they look so real. It makes you very creative, and fooling people in this way is of course very exciting.

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Friction may erase the paint work of the nina del sexe. But maybe the manufacturer may find a trick to apply the protective layer makeup process at the end. Now, if the doll has to be used for sexual purposes, I can understand that this can be disturbing for many people. I like robots (this is one of my leisure, not my job). Many people are scared when they see one of these "reborn babies" because they look very realistic and like to play with any little girl. The babies are very different. People are uncomfortable with such dolls. These dolls look like toys, but creatures. Your reaction makes me feel like you are entering the Mystery Valley when you imagine if she is like those realistic silicone dolls. However, when some of us order high-end silicone dolls, we require highly realistic eye or beauty marks.

2019-07-29 03:39:11

This is a very interesting point-yes, it can be assumed that if a rookie marks it as a mannequin, it may be aware of the cavity in the doll, which seems reasonable. I will definitely explore this option as it makes it easy to minimize the scope of any checks. Also, thank you for your tips on photos of real sex dolls, which I don't have to ask for either.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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