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Les nines sexuals són tan realistes com els maniquins moderns



Honestly, I am thinking about buying a sex doll. Sounds good for you. However, it is “realistic” like a modern human body model. Some sex dolls are more realistic than male models, and some things bother me. Lack of "possibility". Yes, some dolls have "connected" their arms and/or shoulders, but in general, the arms and head must be taken off the clothes/undressing. This will not only leave a noticeable "seam". But even if I do this, it will still bother me, but as some critics have pointed out. Sexual doll arms can simply fall off and break on their own, assuming they are even perfectly suited to the joints.

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This sounds trivial, but I hate that the mannequin is not "anatomically correct." I don't plan to shoot a nude nina del sexe, but the general bump in front of his body is not very convincing. Of course, some of the newer models have better defined "junk." However, the photos in the fitness equipment are compared with mannequins of similar clothing. You can clearly see the difference in sex dolls.

2019-07-29 05:12:46

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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