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T’interessaran les nines sexuals d’estrelles porno



Hey guys, is there a market for 1:1 licensed porn star sex dolls. Or you prefer to make your sex doll from scratch. Back in the past, people often talk about dolls of various porn stars. They are engaged to some sex doll girls, and I assume that they are independent stars. This is interesting because when the theme appears, it seems that most people would rather make their own dream doll with the given options. It helps if the doll looks like a star. The evil doll is very close in appearance but the star doll at 1 am, but the sex doll does not. I may have a chance to continue working, which is why I have to ask you. Comparing it to sex dolls, I think people really like their favorite porn stars, but we also talked about different price ranges. Does anyone decide to buy a porn star doll.

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I have two star dolls, The thing of porn star sex dolls is their extra cost. These days of the nina del sexe market are very competitive and costly. Also, as he said, people really don't want porn stars to look like dolls. I think except for some girls, the faces created by the manufacturers look better than the porn stars. I personally dramatically changed the appearance of my two girls and gave them different identities. To be honest, I really want a stormy urdolls doll. That's right, it doesn't look like her, but it's very close, and it's a very dirty doll. I like to imitate or scale the idea of a doll after a real woman. It doesn't have to be a porn star or movie star itself, but there is a woman that you actually see/experienced in a good proportion. Having said that, my sex dolls are perfect for me in every way. My body and any of her characters (Gina, Catherine or Mariska) are also great. Although the waist of a sex doll is smaller than most women in that frame. Those hips, hips and chest are the dreams of the next closure.

2019-06-17 05:00:14

Since I am waiting for this year's gear, I might as well take some pictures for her now. She finally got her own clothes, and she was excited because she kept wearing my old concert T-shirt and everything she could borrow from other girls. No wardrobe! How can a girl survive! I could only see her writhing voice on the shelves of the Salvation Army family's real sex dolls store!

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