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De quina indústria prové generalment el propietari de les nines sexuals



Sex doll owners come from all walks of life. Their reasons for being interested in dolls and life-size dolls are diverse. Some people want to make dolls only love, while others don't make love with dolls. Most doll owners are suitable for centering. The dolls they buy depend mainly on what they can afford, and on their personal choice. They may have more than one doll, and these dolls may be of different types. Both male and male dolls are available, and most have a variety of customizable options.

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Some doll owners noticed that their dolls provided a comforting "presence" in the room, even if they did not actively interact with the nina del sexe. Some doll owners say they are interested in dolls because they have difficulty with relationships. This may be due, inter alia, to frequent travel related to employment. Some people say they don't want to invest time and / or expense to maintain relationships. One of them may want to leave this relationship and the investment will be lost. Other doll owners are related to humans, and some are married couples. Some people buy dolls because of divorce, or their partner/spouse has died. They may see the life of another person, somehow deceiving the memory of the person they love.

2019-06-17 02:30:49

You should be able to find casters in a hardware store. To make a shower rack, you can make it from galvanized pipe, a plastic plate from the base, and a rubber shower mat. My favorite shower solution is to hang a chain from the ceiling. The second option is some kind of improved hanger. The regular real sex doll stand doesn't allow me to rotate the doll in a slightly tight space to clean the front and back.

If budget is not important to you, then you can buy one of the more expensive high-end sex dolls. Luxury doll brands such as Realdoll or Silicon Wives are ready to buy dolls in large quantities, hoping to get the best dolls at good value for money. The price of these dolls ranges from US$2,000 to US$10,000. You will find that their dolls are more realistic, better structured, and their customer service will be more extensive. They usually help you with repairs or maintenance for free throughout the life of the doll.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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