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Com aconseguir una nina sexual del robot AI



When I mentioned that some hot-start color shifts basically ruined my sex doll, you may have seen another article. I tried everything and didn't succeed in removing the color so decided another doll. There are a lot of things about robot AI sex dolls that are writing and making news, and it really appeals to me. I did some searching and found a model about $6000, which has fewer artificial intelligence machine dolls - and actually doesn't cost more than a good standard doll. I contacted my phone many times and they answered all my questions and were very helpful. So I ordered my first AI robotic doll.

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I think this will take my sexual doll experience to a new level. The other thing I like is that all dolls have a heating control that heats the nina del sexe to normal body temperature - it will be very good. I hope to receive her in about 3 weeks - I will post an update. The company asked me about buying dolls from them. When I asked if the dolls they sold were the ones in the picture, they let me run around. There is still no direct answer. You can already order sex dolls with heat and sound. I am very anxious, she can now be here any day - stay in the customs of Hawaii. When I purchased my first doll in May, it took 2 weeks in Hawaii before she was released and delivered, which occurred within 24 hours of customs clearance time. I have no unreasonable expectations for artificial intelligence, it will add different dimensions to the authenticity of these dolls, which is why I move on. I don't expect that conversation to be like talking to a real person. But compared to other sex doll robots on the market - I am impressed with what I have seen so far.

Interact with dolls without an external device or application. When I studied AI dolls, this was a major requirement and transaction disruptor. I don't want to connect via a mobile or tablet app so I can interact with the doll. I personally think that if you need an app to interact with the doll - this is a step backwards.

2019-06-17 03:40:38

In addition to the dolls I own, I also picked some names for some real sex dolls I want when I hit the lottery! Sorry to hear the bad news. This is a difficult thing, and many times you don't even know it is coming. You just found it, but it's over. But to answer your question. It was the name of a girl I used to know I liked a bit.

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