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Com parles amb la teva nina sexual?



Ok, so this could be a weird problem. How do you talk to your sex doll? Are you talking outside or telepathy. It may already be a thread, but I think this will be an interesting topic! I am more like a telepathic speaker, but I absolutely did it at the same time! On the other hand, my wife speaks to the dolls and talks to them, letting them mess with me. I really want to know what people are saying. This is a very interesting topic for discussion.

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Marrying myself, similar to the left-hander, my sexual doll interaction almost reflects the experience of the left-hander. When I talk to nina del sexe, it is often a mixture of loud talk and telepathy. In a relaxed situation, such as in the study night of the movie, my dear wife will talk to the doll, but more often she will talk to the doll in a very interesting, stupid and fun way. Sometimes it becomes interesting and interesting disputes. I went to the doll while looking for a mannequin to do photography work. At the New York Institute of Photography, I recommend your model when making a photo, so my company developed the habit. I am not interested in sex, but I do give occasional kisses or hugs to sex dolls. Other than that, I might say "good morning" but not more than this.

2019-06-17 03:50:34

I mean "easy" because she never gives me time to really understand the real sex doll (one of those girls who want to go forward at 700 mph). So we didn't go far. Anyway, I like the name, so I chose it. It also got me rid of the stereotyped Asian names scheme (Kwai, Sakura, Reiko, etc.). Therefore, an Asian woman is called Veronica.

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