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Quines substàncies de color són compatibles amb la nina sexual de silicona



I am looking for information about what paint or color substances are compatible with the usual silicone dolls. There are two planned USES: some makeup and some detail Settings. We want to make the dripping effect without damaging the silicone surface. Am I aware that fatty substances are bad/water-based coatings may be a solution? Thank you for your advice and tips. It made me feel like I needed something to dilute the mixture and make it "thinner." It looks like the third ingredient is what I'm looking for. Smoothing and pigment were the practical solutions I used, but I wasn't happy with the results. Because it really covers the bumps and details of the sex doll's skin.

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silicona nina del sexe are made of silicone. I have a "silicone coating course" in the maintenance section. In my research, I also found a company that sells medical silicone products for prosthetics and so on. Note that you must submit a form stating that this product will not be used incorrectly. I think they have to do this because they offer medical-grade products to the public. Matte or shiny products work well too. In the video tutorial, they showed a demonstration of using a spray gun, which I think will place a very thin layer of paint, using it to control the viscosity (thickness). I am very curious about the painting on silica gel, and I am interested to see your results. This is one of the most realistic silicone coatings I've ever seen. When I got my silicone doll, I decided to use it myself to create realistic skin tones.

2019-08-24 02:51:13

And having sex in this bed without moving to the right place, not even twice a week (it doesn't give me much motivation) I follow the suggested way. It was washed and wiped, but there were still many pretty cuts in the feet, elbows and even knees, and I did not take any dramatic steps to prevent it from increasing. Is tpe quality really lower than Wmdoll?

Expert tip: Although sex dolls made of silicone may have more delicate body parts, such as mouth and vagina, the price of TPE is much lower, especially for prominent features such as hips and breasts. Therefore, if you enjoy the natural swing of your breasts during sex, the TPE sex doll will surprise you.

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