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Dediqueu temps a investigar el valor de la vostra nina sexual



Nails stick directly to the skin of the sex doll and can be peeled off if they are torn off. And it takes a lot of force to get rid of them. It could happen accidentally at the right Angle. Acrylic nails are as strong as human nails and are painful when they break. When it comes down to it, the doll is yours. So it's an extension of yourself. Because a lot of investment goes into dolls. For me, it was a quarter of a year's income, which was close to 10,000 yuan. When it's a long-term permanent pattern. They tend to put the value of your dolls at great risk.

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What if I don't do it, like a tattoo on a nina del sexe. So it always boils down to asking, if it's me, I'm her. Do I want to do this to my body? Because in the end it's just your body. No matter how your doll account thinks, take the time to study it and ask questions of you. Decide if you will use something high-end or improvise and what is worth using instead of using. I've punched it with the wrong stuff and the right stuff, and it's easier to get the mileage right. Eventually one day, you will jump in or not jump in, which is all good. Continue learning how to care for sex dolls before you make a decision.

2019-08-24 03:27:14

Because this will be the status of my baby. I will be more likely to think that they cannot control the casting temperature, and in some cases, if the TPE is poured too cold, the cracking will be faster and tears will be easier. What I understand is that in the end I didn't have a very low-end model, but rather reassuring. But I realize that it is very fragile and requires maintenance, far from meeting the usage requirements we should be able to use.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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