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Cirurgia major per reparar l’esquelet d’una nina sexual



I have a major surgical problem to repair the skeleton of a sex doll. This is the broken neck bolt I need to cut into the doll. I don't know if the incision should look like it's in the middle of the back of the neck. And I'm sure the dolls are made of platinum silicone, but I'm not sure anyone else would appreciate any help with the glue. She was silicone and I asked the beautiful sex doll for some information and photos of the skeleton. I hope they come back and give me something.

Vagina Perruca Rebre

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It's best to cut along the seams so you can adjust the nina del sexe and it looks better. As long as it's platinum silicone, you can use what they call silicone. If her TPE has to melt!! When you use silicone for maintenance, be sure to use alcohol to wipe off any overflow. If you take some photos when you open her up, we can take some other photos as well. Cutting seam. Don't put too much pressure on the blade. Line up and use a smooth motion. After cutting the surface, put some dishwashing liquid on the scalpel. Do it again until you are done all the way. When there is time to seal her, use a very pretty amount of glue and strip until you reach the surface. In the final coating mixture matte with some silica gel and get rid of the gloss. Try not to get too much silicone on the outside of the sex doll.

2019-08-24 04:12:43

It's hard to talk about it, but tell yourself that when you have a wife, things get harder, it's the same thing, otherwise it will break. It's one thing after talking and telling them. When they hid in my house, it was nothing special to those who were not scared. The pros and cons have been surprised to see their dolls welcome them home.

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