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Vaig tornar a refer les ungles de nines sexuals la setmana passada



Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this question. I've searched the doll site and haven't found a definitive answer. So if it's covered and I can't find it, I apologize. My question is about toenails. I have a silicone doll and I want to put my toenails on her. Because nail polish falls off so easily, it's useless to paint her silicone nails. Do you recommend using glue on her nails, like I did for her nails? If so, I think it's a lot of work because they need to polish so much, I'm fine. This is the recommended sex doll solution. Thank you for your wonderful help and have a nice day.

Pell Lubricant Mantenir

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Acrylic nails on my hands and feet are a fitting finishing touch. I hope to eventually be able to do this for my nina del sexe. After some recent wear and tear, if you get my drift... Laugh out loud. What kind of glue is recommended to apply acrylic nails to silicone fingers and toes? I'm interested in the answers you receive here. I did this with my doll a few years ago, and it's done really well (choose short ones). You can use non-ascetone-based nail polish removers to change the paint without damaging the nails. You can use any silicone. But I have the glue for the repair kit, and it works fine. I redid my nails last week and sandpaper the inner surface of my nails for better grip. I try to post photos when I get home.

2019-08-24 03:01:57

My mother is a bit, and I would say the situation could be worse. Frankly, you may find it difficult to assume, but we are used to it. My entourage also knows. Some people find it funny and even laugh, others are not particularly curious, and some imitators almost never talk to me anymore. Overall, friends and family are good. Everyone has an open mind.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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