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Feu algunes declaracions sobre la nina sexual japonesa



I have decided to use a special silicone Japanese sex doll as my first investment. But there are also some products made from this TPE material that are also interesting. The only comments I have heard about TPE are as follows: 1. It is THERMO plastic, so it will melt if heated. 2. It is a real dust, lint and pet hair magnet. 3. It is very difficult to remove stains or cosmetics. 4. There are no repair materials or processes available for TPE. 5. One poster said. He inadvertently lengthened the sexual doll attachment made of TPE. No obvious damage.

seleccionar japonès Adquisitiu

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Can someone provide evidence to refute these claims. Or you can make some more positive statements about the Nina sexual japonesa. So that a rational person considers a doll made of this material. I have sent emails to suppliers who have sold TPE dolls containing inquiries about materials and other topics but have not yet received a response. Hmm.....the thread doesn't seem to go anywhere. I got some information from several sources. They told me that TPE used a cheap mixture in some low-end sex toys and took a bad reputation from some manufacturers. They say that good materials (currently in use) are softer than any silicone blend and are highly resistant to tearing. There are no reviews on material life. The supplier of sex dolls has promised to provide me with a lot of information about TPE and its dolls later. I will share what I have learned.

2019-10-09 03:45:23

She is very helpless now, her head is soaring, and her thoughts are blurred. Vicky closed her eyes and let her mind float to a new height. The soft and hard thing touched her nipple and waved up and down. She held Todd's body nervously, restrained herself, and found that she was firmly fixed, and the intensity of her light touch increased. "More?" Todd's voice mocked Vicky. She didn't even realize that she was talking.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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