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Obté tantes idees de nines sexuals japoneses com sigui possible



Hello everyone. I am a newcomer to the world of sex dolls. I posted this question on another forum. But I think I will post it here to get as many ideas as possible! I am currently researching the first purchase, and due to my living conditions, I think I need to store the doll in the storage unit. I was going to put a 10'X10' room in the public warehouse. Then put bedding and some shelves in it to store sex doll clothes and wigs. Any suggestions for people who do this.

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I am still figuring out how I plan to clean the Nina sexual japonesa. Although the movable insert will at least make the part easier. The type of doll you have will help us. If she has bolts on her neck, it is easy. The shipping case is actually stored for a short period of time when the doll frame is manufactured or purchased, but it can be used if there is a soft filler underneath it. I assume that you intend to use this device as a "game room." In the process of moving, I stored the dolls in the storage unit without any problem, but I just stored them there, I remember someone storing the dolls in a room. I found that the mouse bit the toe and fingers of the sex doll. So think about it.

2019-10-09 04:11:41

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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