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Seré més aventurer quan poso en una nina sexual japonesa



The shoulders of my sex dolls are "frozen" and need to be repaired. Because the bolts of her shoulder joint were unscrewed. Her back and neck were broken because the plastic tube was too brittle and was scrubbed by a fixing washer and was usually insufficient. Having said that, I have no doubt that the posture I made for her photo shoot helps to separate the silicone from the thigh. Non-extreme posture but at risk, because any movements and postures are beyond the support of a simple support for standing on a hook or hook on a bed. There are no dangerous safety postures, but they are too frequent. These beautiful women do not mean IMO. Whether it is photography or sex. The more people use sex dolls, the more they are damaged and the greater the risk of wear.

Pit Mantenir japonès

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El Nina sexual japonesa girl also got a lot of use. Thanks for providing these complete and clear explanations. I am no longer so ignorant about this matter. I am sorry for all the problems you encountered when encountering a doll. I will be very cautious at first, and with advice and information, I will be more adventurous when posing dolls. I broke my knee when shooting her. These days, I moved her very carefully and limited her posture. Noni is a novice. When the joint is strong, she is a dream. However, when I was in the following position, I broke my neck and tried to make it look more up. This is a weakness of the sex doll's head mechanism. But if I don't try to pose in this way it won't happen.

2019-10-09 03:39:53

Women tend to be wary of their partners, usually take every smallest detail seriously, and make serious assumptions that will greatly affect their relationship. Men are not so sensitive and can almost be joking, while women are different. They tend to prepare resentments at the most suitable time to release them (definitely get you when they least expect it). Sex dolls will never make false accusations against you because of your lack of intelligence. This makes these pleasure gods amazing and definitely better than women.

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