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Les pestanyes són una part exquisida de la nina sexual japonesa



Many people recommend wearing socks before moving a sex doll or changing clothes. Be careful when using dolls. Avoid pressing the foot because the foot pedal will cut through the sole of the foot. Eyelashes are a delicate part of a doll that needs attention. Do not place the baby's face down so that the eyelashes do not touch anything. Friction caused by excessive attention may damage them and may cause makeup to wear out. I found the pillow under the chest to solve the problem. Green, Stacy is a cloth horse, I have no problem. Some of her joints are slack, but this is normal. Finally, I have to tighten them. But this is only because I like to let the Japanese sex doll pose for a photo. I hope this helps.

TPE Transport. Porta el teu cotxe japonès

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The more you do, the easier it is to learn how to do it. But there will always be some threats to the Nina sexual japonesa. The only threat to damaging silicone is that the clothes should be left for a long time or not pre-washed to remove excess dye, which can soil the doll for a while. Fortunately, platinum silicone helps reduce any damage, but it is always recommended that you carefully read the doll care precautions. The main damage my doll suffered was due to manufacturing defects and many (very adventurous) photographic poses. Reduced by causing attention. That being said, after careful maintenance and maintenance. I think your sex doll can be used for a long time.

2019-10-09 03:09:05

I think it is difficult to find a man who is not as attractive as this doll. More importantly, she is a medium-sized doll with a height of 155 cm, and the price is less than £2. If you love beautiful blondes, Grace is your TPE sex doll.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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