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Coneixeràs l'ús de la nina sexual japonesa



Welcome to sex dolls on Wikipedia, I hope you like it here. You come to the place to ask any questions. Talc makes the body look lighter, but it fades quickly, unless you evenly wipe them off, it leaves patches of different colors. However, if you apply it carefully, you should find that the body looks like a color, lighter than when you first use it. A lot of things really depend on how you rub it. The good thing is that it is not expensive. It makes the Japanese sex doll skin feel smoother and surreal. So it is worth your try.

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I have a real Nina sexual japonesa. Talc does not cause any harm at all, just to be safe. If you put some on the soul of her feet and leave it for about 24 hours, you will know that it is 100% safe to use in other parts of the body. Looks very happy, very happy to see her more photos and her head fixed. I hope you enjoy the forum here, I am very happy to see you posting. I use 'corn starch' on the doll and it works great, but I have no problem with the different tones. (Head and body match) Can you get the same skin tone as the body and return or sell the current head? (Powder is just... 'powder', designed to soften the feeling of silicone) Thank you very much. Great answer. I have asked before I tried because I have not actually received a sex doll.

2019-09-21 02:42:57

All this worries me ... I want to go back to my wife? Stay away from it and choose simplicity. Ideally, I would satisfy my fantasies, on the other hand, we repair this holiday, thank you for your nina sexual masculina support! I want to move forward .. difficult dilemma! If you are frustrated sexually but still have a strong feeling for your wife, this may be the solution for a fulfilling and peaceful life.

Beware of fakes and fakes. Although the prices are attractive, we recommend that you stay away from other sites and sites that sell dolls on these sites. Due to the lack of copyright laws, in China, manufacturers usually steal designs and photos of legitimate brands, and then remake dolls with cheaper materials. They will then use the original photos to list the dolls for sale, but when the doll arrives, she will be a poor quality replica of cheap materials. Be sure to investigate to make sure that the website you bought from is a legitimate company that sells authentic dolls.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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Aquesta és una col·lecció de tota l'activitat de marca actual en aquest lloc. Cada mes ens esforcem per oferir als consumidors diverses ofertes, i els fabricants de nines sexuals participants poden variar de tant en tant. En resum, aquí trobaràs qualsevol marca d'activitats de nines que vulguis, seguirem actualitzant...

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