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I did read some sex doll finger stamps to fix the thread. I know that this type of adhesive should not be used for overhauls that require two parts of color. It is 100% silicone, has tubes, and is inexpensive. The prices sold in the abyss are too high and the aluminum bales are disposable because they cannot seal tightly and dry. I may continue to try this. I can't see how it will cause any extra damage on the finger poke. It seems like it should be good. For the sake of safety, it may be worth licking on her feet. Just in case the silicone of the sex doll has any reaction.

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But that is just me, I am too cautious. If you have started using the fingers of Nina sexual japonesa, I believe it will be fine. No sequelae. Good luck, if you don't mind, don't forget to let us know how it works. It is not needed everywhere. Fixed a stamp I made with the remaining repair kits, and nothing new since then. I will go when I need it next time. The original adhesive bag that comes with it, I found that if I poke a pretty hole in the top (I just stabbed it with a scalpel) and then squeezed it out enough that you can reseal it by squeezing the rest to put the adhesive in the package Top up and fold it up. Just put a peg or a paper clip on it and there are some finger pokes. And after using this method to fix the doll, I still have most of the packaging left.

2019-09-21 02:53:06

At least that's what happened to me. However, I hope you have the courage to find someone who can surprise you and welcome you back. Hello, I have more questions to ask at the moment: Do you have one? Report to my couple! After a disease that makes osmotic pain, abstinence exceeds 4 years, increasing fear of behavior and aversion to the nina sexual masculina body! For me, a psychological drama.

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