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Tinc una nina japonesa de silicona curada



For its value, my repair experience. I have a platinum-cured silicone Japanese sex doll. This doll comes with a two-component silicone adhesive repair kit. When I encountered a "knee fracture problem," I asked for a new repair kit. They sent me a one-component silicone. This glue is better than two-component glue. One-component silica gel is a component of a tube. I think it is comparable to silicone. It is transparent but can (should) be colored. I have special colors, but makeup powder should also be done. The silicone gum can be mixed with hexane (about 10% or less) which will soften the mixture. The primer is used to increase adhesion. A good repairable doll can be done, but it is always visible.

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Amb Nina sexual japonesa, the fix is first and more shiny. But a wide range of powders will solve this problem. I wish you good luck in your project! But I am still "deciding whether I am crazy to try this project." I bought a large bottle of silica gel from a steady person. It is the size of a medium toothpaste tube. Not yet open. For such a large project, this is enough. Place. You may want tattooers to sell repair kits that match colors. And to some extent hide the external defects of the sex doll. If done well, the perfection is expensive and short-lived.

2019-09-21 02:23:30

So I will have one! I first introduce the photos, pay tribute to the work of the goldsmith ... verified. Then, discuss buyer information for the rest of the time ... verified ... (none of these are crazy). I hid it from the beginning That's for sure ... Once I had a few discussions on this nina sexual masculina topic, I showed him .. I work alone in a pretty outdoor room outside the house!

Or buy a sex doll Aliah to bring great pleasure to the breasts, and the buttocks are larger than ordinary models. The torso, feet and legs, if you want to use a smaller model, you can buy individual parts that are as real as a life-size model. Some manufacturers sell individual feet and legs. You can even buy a set of breasts.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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