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Vostè continua obtenint una nina sexual



I-not enough to induce the manufacturer to provide compensation. Nor can they induce the customs agent. Hehe, I think this is a risk I must take. Can you solve any of these problems, or am I just obsessed? Glad you had the opportunity to find it. Their stature, soft breasts and tramps, and their price fascinate me. Recently, they have improved in many respects from previous versions in terms of weight, silicone blends, and have made some minor modifications to this number. I'm not sure about the breast size of the sex doll I want. But I think it will be between 95B and 95C-that is 36B and 36C.

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In my opinion, the B size is more attractive when viewed as a whole. But the subsequent dimensions were different from the C bust. This means that "B" size "sway" quality breasts are somewhat lost. You may be more fascinated than most people, but everyone who ordered a doll may have concerns about shipping, which is natural, especially on your first nina del sexe. I'm even worried that someone will open the container and impersonate you to order a doll. However, if you think about it, these fears are practically unattainable. And if you want to do this. Nor should it prevent you from continuing to get a doll.

2020-01-12 21:05:38

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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