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Augmenteu les vostres preocupacions amb la meva pròpia experiència de nines sexuals



This is a big problem. I don't want to increase your concerns with my own sex doll experience. I think your idea of ​​asking the doll maker to add some tape or other attachments to show that someone opens the package. I thought of this myself. I think if you share your concerns with the seller, they may come up with the most effective advice. When the package arrives. I will never open the package with the deliveryman present. You are looking for signs of damage to sex dolls or signs of tampering.

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If so, you have several options. You can refuse delivery if the nina del sexe shows signs of major damage. I can only advise you to do so; or, if it happens, you can ask the delivery person to sign in any form required to carry it. Signs of damage or tampering (photographs in both cases), or if everything is OK, you can accept delivery and know that if you find signs of damage to the doll after opening the package, you can contact the seller, who usually puts things right The key is not to let the delivery man go or sign the package until you have finished checking it. Shipping very expensive dolls can be surprising. But we all did it. And sex dolls work in almost every case.

2020-01-12 20:57:19


Every woman needs attention and is committed to changing your lifestyle. This is definitely a friend and video game of most men. Over time, this becomes a problem, because men tend to quickly return to the way they used to be. On the other hand, sex dolls are not affected by any aspect of your life, which makes sex dolls better than women.


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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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