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M'ajuda a recordar bé les nines sexuals



I know many of you will not worry. But sometimes I read names and don't remember the sex dolls they have. Until they show their doll again, I think "Oh, it's him! I know his doll, I like his point of view. I think we have the same problem and it's hard to remember all the names and dolls. If like me You have visual memory. I like your avatar, it's so cool! Many of you regularly show pictures of dolls, which helps me remember you well. As for the sex doll matrix, I have clear Comments. I think this is very useful.

Reparacions japonès Mini

Una resposta:



What I hate is the messy and ugly nina del sexe matrix. When someone wants to register in the doll matrix and doesn't even consider giving the date of arrival. The color of the skin and the type of silicon or the name of his doll. How could new members be interested? New members can only see a lot of chaotic pictures, and links are nowhere to be found. It's also annoying that when you see a picture of a doll, you don't know if the picture was taken in 2004 or 2010. A good doll matrix should have strict rules. For example, a full description of the doll and a portrait.

2020-01-12 21:28:14

If you have never experienced a sex doll before, what do you think of first when you think of a sex doll? It could be one of those cheap blow dolls, right? Well, prepare to tilt those low expectations upward. The sex doll market has matured, and now you can choose a sex doll that suits your taste as easily as choosing a girl in a nightclub.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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