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Trobareu pistes sobre TPE Sex Doll



I plan to read them as soon as possible, when I do this. I may ask you some further questions (about your sex doll story). Hopefully we can continue to talk in the wiki/chat/email if you wish. But if you don't want to talk to me about your story, that's great! The content you sent is great. Great photos and answers that respond to many things. Personally, I am married and happy, but my wife is very wise, has three sons, no sisters, I do not know how I miss female frivolous, stupid femininity. I am very happy that the woman in my life is not like that. But sex dolls sometimes offer fantasy similar to it. And to be a successful doll, her master must think for her.

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This is also a good thing and it is very interesting. Fortunately, there are more ideas for others. In the other doll sections, you will find clues about sex dolls - these fantasy ladies do those things for me, you will see, and the thread is not only a good excuse for some erotic photos but also tells stories and conveys information to others. best wishes. You chat with us, so you know in most cases that we are like any enthusiastic hobby group. Alternative dolls, motorcycles, antique cars, tractors, photographers... anyway. How I enter the doll is an ancient history. The most important thing for me is my friend. (and around the world) the knowledge we share, and one thing in common is the doll. Nina sexual TPE ownership is completely immersed, I wish you good luck.

2019-09-02 07:16:37

Hope to be inspired by reading. I have a doll. I don't complain at all, I'm very satisfied with this, but with a little misfortune, the joints suddenly loose quickly, which means that I can't even bend his back to pose, otherwise the head will all tilt Nothing bad, if I choose another brand, it can happen. On other joints, a reinforced skeleton is used so you don't have to worry when standing.

On the other hand, sex dolls only depend on the manufacturer's ability and design, while the design and goals are determined by the target market. In fact, once the sex doll is assembled, there is almost nothing that can change its appearance except simply changing the color of the hair and eyes. This sex aid lacks life, so it will live in harmony. amazing. 

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