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No estic acostumat a les nines sexuals japoneses en llocs nous



Do you think everyone in your sex doll is scared? When I have my house, I often remove the doll from the room according to the time I spend the most. Not all dolls are in the same room. Sometimes I forget that I left a doll somewhere and will be surprised to find her there. I tend to be very focused and don't notice things until I have a problem. Cleaning and general maintenance are quite easy. These dolls seem to be less than anything else in the room. I always put pantyhose on a sex doll. They make it easier to change pants, especially on silicone rubber.

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I also put the socks on my hands when changing clothes and tops. This prevents finger damage. Most of the damage to Nina sexual japonesa is due to my clumsy handling of them. I once lost all of this at once. Silicone dolls don't bounce like inflatable toys! Most of the damage is minor and easy to fix. I and the girls have been very lucky. I have never been scared, but my sex dolls are surprised. This situation only happens when I recently moved, I am not used to her in a new place.

2019-09-02 06:00:06

So it's been over 2 years since I became interested in love dolls as an alternative, and I think this is the best solution for me because I already have a fictional girlfriend. So I plan to buy one for around 2,000 Euros. I admit that WM Angel 140 is very attractive to me. My use of this doll is sexual. I don't know if I can elaborate here.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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