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Hauríeu de tractar la nina sexual D Cup com dones reals



Hello, the owner of the sex doll, I have a question to ask you. Are the dolls very fragile, are their joints loose. Today I saw a sex doll. When the seller took some test photos for me, my feet were torn open. I have a 1 year old doll with a harmonious face. I didn't have a finger poke, I was very careful about her, but I can already say that one side's joints are not held like us. Is there a solution for this sex doll.This made me guess for the second time to buy extra dolls.

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For careful surgery, you can find a thread of detailed instructions here. Sex dolls are not fragile, but they should be treated like real women, lightly. I have a nina del sexe since 2010 and she looks good. Using bolts and nuts to secure the joints together means that they loosen over time, but it also means they can be retightened. The speed at which they relax depends on how often you bend. For yes/no answers, this is not that simple. It depends on many factors, including anomalies in the manufacturing process. Although my beloved doll has been repaired many times, in the long run, she found that she is very strong. For example: a lot of finger stamps. But I found that after a period of time and experience, in addition to the too rigid and inflexible finger lines (because I hope to be corrected). The main reason is the cavity in the sex doll's fingers, and the silicone does not completely fill the finger space around the wire. After the repair involves filling the cavity with silicone (no matter how small), the finger poke becomes very rare.

2019-08-26 09:44:07

Frankly, unfortunately, I have been having difficulty getting a proper erection. I really miss a real woman, and my doll can't find the same excitement and joy. I'm fascinated by this adult doll world, I don't know if I'm willing to take a risk, it's not a casual genre or a trade that hides your doll when your family or friends arrive. Or how to explain if we find beautiful places You are right, don't take it lightly.

Today, he is wearing a very beautiful suit, black, underneath the suit is a white shirt, a blue tie in different shades. When she closed the door, she could feel his gaze on her, and a sense of excitement penetrated her. When she turned around, she saw the desire in those eyes, her breath held her throat. "Yes sir." Mia realized there was no other way. It's rude to call him Dave or say other things. When she stood up straight and looked up at him, she saw the approval in his eyes.

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