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Podeu moure fàcilment les nines sexuals D Cup en relacions íntimes



Face seal, a few weeks after receipt, the seal on the face of my sex doll peeled off and peeled off. It was a nightmare until I spent a few days completely removing it. I made her own make-up, sealed the key areas, and there was no problem since then. Vagina tears. After a few weeks, no help was sent to the defective 2 part repair silica gel (catalyst off). I found that the main reason for the passage of time is the lack of vaginal mouth of the sex doll. Once opened and repaired with good silicone, this is no longer a major issue.

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The bite and tear in the silicone, which is usually due to the underlying skeleton being cut into the silicone skin. It may be the footboard you quoted, although I can't be sure of the nina del sexe photo. However, the problem should not occur again by repairing with a good silicone adhesive and ensuring that any cavity or loose motion of the silicone on the skeleton is filled. The doll was originally made with stiff joints to maintain posture. Because of their design, sex dolls are particularly good at keeping joints stiff over time, but even if they end up loose. This is good for sex because the body posture of a sex doll can easily move in intimate relationships. It also allows body movements to be consistent with the swings of real women.

2019-08-26 09:49:54

I believe the reality side shocked them. Then, some are not open at all. If you are not in their world, you are abnormal and bizarre. My doll, airsoft (shooting sport not recognized in France), Warhammer have this problem (pretty statue for painting and board games) or my comic statue, and even play "purple" games on the computer (I have to fight to be See what it is).

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