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Si les ungles em tallaran la pell de nina sexual TPE



There are a lot of things to be careful about when upgrading dolls. Whether the nails will cut my silicone doll skin. That's a good question. This is one of the reasons I chose a particular brand and nail model because they are so important in terms of texture and feel. The nails I chose were more elastic and elastic than most nails. So they don't have the risk of hurting me. Many nail presses are sharper than real nails. Because of the danger of nail-cutting sex dolls, my owners chose to oppose them. It won't be a happy ending.

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The main risk is that if the nail is pressed too hard, it will rip off the tip of the Nina sexual TPE. As long as you're careful, it's not really a problem. Minimize finger and toe movement. Increasing foot activity, such as wearing socks and squeezing toes into closed heels, is a bad idea. Therefore, I do not recommend adding pedicures if you regularly wear your doll on the boot. Use your fingers, too, and avoid gloves. Once in 1 to 5 years not bad either! This is simply because my little toe nail apparently contains the smallest amount of adhesive. My owner just glued them on and ironically, many doll owners often wear gloves to dress their girls and make their hands look more realistic so adding nails solves this problem and should eliminate gloves for use. Have my sex doll nails fallen off in the last year and a half? Yes, every little toe nail feels uncomfortable.

2019-08-22 07:35:33

As far as I know, it is not far from the station, a member has been there, only a few meters walk. I have a simple question to ask: Have you ever considered putting a doll on a doll's head to make you more confident in a narcissistic relationship, or is it purely to replace this relationship? Weight is a big issue. If a doll stays in bed permanently for sexual purposes only, it will never get dressed.

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