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Joguina sexual per a una mamada Busqueu caixes que puguin acomodar nines sexuals



Clit stimulator The storage box I bought was long enough to give my doll a little extra wiggle room. Therefore, the size I thought of when I ordered may not meet your requirements. I'm also looking for something that can hold the box where the doll will be delivered to you. Free foam and stuffing in a fairly durable box. I did cut off the end of the box at the head of my doll. So you might want to plan something extra for that, too.

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A little warning if you store a full-size nina del sexe at the bottom. There might be a problem with keeping it out of the box. If you need a padlock compatible cover, make sure it is listed as a feature. It can be a similar model, but adding holes to padlocks or cables is not difficult for the materials used. There are several "wicker" styles (still made of molded plastic) that don't look like bedding storage bins on bed food. I finally solved this problem by buying plastic suitcases with LIDS (full of accessories and baby clothes). Place it at the bottom of the box to lift the doll to almost half its depth. So I could get her out more easily.

2019-08-22 09:32:35

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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