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Quin és el motiu pel qual compreu nines sexuals?



Hi, I am a journalist and are making a tasting tape (a short pilot documentary) about the benefits of the British from sex dolls/robots. We are exploring the companionship of sexual dolls/robots used as well as emotional or social factors. How to motivate someone to invest in one (for example, loneliness, bereavement, disability, lack of self-confidence, etc.). Includes reasons not mentioned above. So don't hesitate to contact me. What made you buy your sex doll? I would love to hear people with different sex doll stories. We hope to find someone to shoot a sex doll movie this week, but the reply does not mean participation.

silicona Rebre net

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If you really want to know why someone buys a nina del sexe, it is to buy one for yourself. Not just a cheap or used one, but you think it's good and has chosen for yourself, tailor it to your needs as much as possible. If you like to play with a doll when you are pretty, there is no reason why you don't like adult adult dolls. Part of the experience is choosing a person's doll - it can be quite daunting, but it makes the doll more special for you. If you can overcome social stigma and let yourself truly enjoy the experience of embracing, stroking and playing with your doll, you may find out how interesting it is - your 'game' doesn't even have to be sex. Not everyone here makes love with their dolls. The 100 cm pretty doll is cheaper, easier to operate, and beautiful artwork. It allows you to experience high quality anatomically correct dolls. In the end, sex dolls should bring you happiness, and these dolls make people happy.

2019-07-02 02:26:59

When I first moved into this apartment, I would take you out in the backyard when I went out to sit and read a book or chat with other tenants. If I don't take her out, someone will ask her where she is. Since real sex dolls are inanimate objects, visitors are used to them and consider them to be nothing more than furniture.

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Anunci real de nines sexuals


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Com cuidar les nines sexuals?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

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