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Quina és la diferència entre una nina sexual i una dona real



Hello everyone, I hope everyone is fine. Because I still can't find anyone who will let me 'meet' their sex dolls, I want to know how the doll body feels compared to the real person's body. Mainly I am curious about real women and doll women, but the owner of the male doll, please help me! For example, the breasts of a real woman are usually not completely symmetrical. The tissue may be dense and lumpy, or quite slack and smooth. How does the silicone breast feel? If firm or weak? Also, the vagina. Whether the doll is completely smooth (and therefore not completely 'realistic') vagina. Any other information about sexual relations with the doll (purely physically) is welcome. Rather than having sex with a woman.

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If you do some sorting here, you can easily find the answer to the nina del sexe. Almost all of the questions you ask will be discussed throughout the wiki, especially in topics with doll reviews. Your question has no really short answer. The problem is that women have different “feelings” depending on their age, health status and health level. A bodybuilder and a healthy woman will feel that it will be more rounded than a woman. The same different dolls feel different depending on the materials used and the mixture of materials used. So it is difficult to say yes or no. Is the doll soft? Yes, but it softens in different ways. As far as the chest is concerned, you certainly won't get rough, because by default, even materials that form a lattice structure are difficult to replicate. Again depending on the matierial some are softer than others. It also depends on how the breast is made, is it made of solid material. Whether the sex dolls have silicone gel filling, others are very firm. It is even possible to change between versions of sex dolls of the same model.

2019-07-02 04:08:42

My guess is that people here have no intention of having beauty, or if they have beauty, they are not in the nest. Everyone who has visited my living room, including my grandson, has seen my doll. Unless asked directly, I never said that these real sex dolls are sexually capable ("anatomically correct"). Everyone in the civilized world sees models imitating clothes, sporting goods or other products.

John traced his finger around the cocktail glass again. It was already 11:45 and he still hadn't had any luck picking up women. He didn't think of himself as a particularly picky guy, but the idea of taking home the saggy old cow in the corner didn't really appeal to him.

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